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Mostrar 53-72 de um total de 116 resultados. < anterior   próximo >
Nov-2019Laser surface texturing of Ti-6Al-4V by nanosecond laser: Surface characterization, Ti-oxide layer analysis and its electrical insulation performanceMoura, C. G.; Carvalho, O.; Gonçalves, L. M. V., et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
1995Microcrystalline silicon thin films prepared by RF reactive magnetron sputter depositionCerqueira, M. F.; Andritschky, M.; Rebouta, L., et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2011A microinjected 3-axis thermal accelerometerRocha, Luís A.; Silva, C. S.; Cerqueira, M. F., et al.Artigo em ata de conferênciaAcesso restrito UMinho
2006Microstrucure and thermal features a-Si:H and nc-Si:H thin films produced by r.f. sputteringThaiyalnayaki, V.; Cerqueira, M. F.; Macedo, Francisco, et al.Artigo em ata de conferênciaAcesso aberto
2023Multi-material Inconel 718 parts with highly conductive copper cooling channels for aerospace applicationsMarques, Ana; Guimarães, Bruno; Cerqueira, M. F., et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2015Multi-stacks of epitaxial GeSn self-assembled dots in Si: Structural analysisOliveira, F.; Fischer, I. A.; Benedetti, A., et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
1-Abr-2013Nano-ilmenite FeTiO3 : synthesis and characterizationRaghavender, A. T.; Hoa Hong, Nguyen; Lee, Kyu Joon, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
Set-2019Negative thermoelectric power of melt mixed vapor grown carbon nanofiber polypropylene compositesPaleo, A. J.; Vieira, E. M. F.; Wan, K., et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
10-Jan-2022Nonlinear thermopower behaviour of n-type carbon nanofibres and their melt mixed polypropylene compositesVieito, António Jose Paleo; Krause, Beate; Cerqueira, M. F., et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2020A novel approach to reduce in-service temperature in WC-Co cutting toolsGuimarães, B.; Fernandes, C. M.; Figueiredo, D., et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
3-Jul-2017Novel strategies for cancer treatment: drug delivery combining graphene quantum dots and core-filled lipid vesiclesMendes, Rita; Soares, T.; Fernandes, Eduarda, et al.Artigo em ata de conferênciaAcesso restrito UMinho
2018A numerical study of solder paste rolling process for PCB printingOliveira, Ricardo Falcão; Rodrigues, Nelson José Oliveira; Teixeira, J. Carlos, et al.Artigo em ata de conferênciaAcesso restrito UMinho
2012Optical characterization of TiAlN/TiAlON/SiO2 absorber for solar selective applicationsRebouta, L.; Pitães, A.; Andritschky, M., et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
1997Optical modulation spectroscopy of hydrogenated microcrystalline siliconCerqueira, M. F.; Jansen, John A.; Adriaenssens, G. J., et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2014Optimisation of surface treatments of TiO2:Nb transparent conductive coatings by a post-hot-wire annealing in a reducing H2 atmosphereCastro, Maria Freire Flores Vieira; Rebouta, L.; Alpuim, P., et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
5-Ago-2022Optimizing PMMA solutions to suppress contamination in the transfer of CVD graphene for batch productionLiao, Chun-Da; Capasso, Andrea; Queirós, Tiago, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
Mar-2020Over 6% Efficient Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cell Screen-Printed from Oxides on FTOSousa, Viviana; Gonçalves, Bruna F.; Rosen, Yitzchak S., et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2015Permeation barrier performance of Hot Wire-CVD grown silicon-nitride films treated by argon plasmaMajee, S.; Cerqueira, M. F.; Tondelier, D., et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
1997Photoluminescence and structure properties from mu c-Si:H and mu c-Si:H-PS samplesVentura, P. J.; Cerqueira, M. F.; Carmo, M. C., et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2016Photoluminescence from ultrathin Ge-rich multi-quantum wells observed up to room-temperature: experiments and modelingWendav, T.; Fischer, I. A.; Virgilio, M., et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto