Percorrer por assunto HPV

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Mostrar 8-27 de um total de 28 resultados. < anterior   próximo >
Jan-2018High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Detection in Urine Samples From a Referral Population With Cervical Biopsy-Proven High-Grade LesionsLorenzi, Adriana T.; Fregnani, José Humberto T.; Dockter, Janel, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
Jul-2019HPV e vacinação: Conceções de adolescentes portugueses de 10 a 15 anos de idadeAntão, Celeste; Anastácio, ZéliaResumo em ata de conferência Acesso aberto
Jul-2019HPV e vacinação: o que pensam os pais dos adolescentesAnastácio, Zélia; Antão, CelesteResumo em ata de conferência Acesso aberto
Nov-2022HPV-related quality of life in diagnosed women: a longitudinal studySantos, B. Daiana; Moreira, Célia S.; Teixeira-Santos, Ana C., et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
Ago-2007Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections as risk factors for cytological and histological abnormalities in baseline PAP smear-negative women followed-up for 2 years in the LAMS studyGontijo, Renata C.; Derchain, Sophie F. M.; Roteli-Martins, Cecilia, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
Out-2008Increasing expression of monocarboxylate transporters 1 and 4 along progression to invasive cervix carcinomaPinheiro, Céline; Longatto Filho, Adhemar; Ferreira, Luísa, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2006Investigation of human papillomavirus by hybrid capture II in cervical carcinomas including 113 adenocarcinomas and related lesionsMoreira, M. A. R.; Longatto Filho, Adhemar; Taromaru, Eliane, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
Out-2012Longitudinal outcomes of high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infections as competing-risks events following cervical HPV test at baseline visit in the *NIS-LAMS** cohortSyrjänen, K.; Shabalova, I.; Sarian, L., et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
Out-2007Lymphatic vessel density and epithelial D2-40 immunoreactivity in pre-invasive and invasive lesions of the uterine cervixLongatto, Adhemar; Pinheiro, Céline; Pereira, Sônia Maria Miranda, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
31-Out-2018Microfluidic-Based Genosensor To Detect Human Papillomavirus (HPV16) for Head and Neck CancerSoares, Andrey Coatrini; Soares, Juliana Coatrini; Rodrigues, Valquiria Cruz, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
Out-2005Molecular strategies for identifying human papillomavirus infection in routinely processed samples: focus on paraffin sectionsNonogaki, Suely; Wakamatsu, Alda; Longatto, Adhemar, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
Abr-2006Performance of the DNA-citoliq liquid-based cytology system compared with conventional smearsAlves, Venâncio Avancini Ferreira; Castelo, A.; Filho, A. L., et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
Jul-2009Persistent high-risk human papillomavirus infections and other end-point markers of progressive cervical disease among women prospectively followed up in the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union and the Latin American Screening study cohortsSyrjänen, Kari; Shabalova, Irena; Naud, Paulo, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
2014Polymorphism of Interleukin-6 is not associated with the presence or absence of high HPV E6/E7Longatto Filho, Adhemar; Porto, Claudia Regina Cinti; Kleine, João Paulo Ferreira de Oliveira, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2019Psychosocial impact of human papillomavirus on women's sexual dissatisfaction and quality of lifeLeite, Vânia; Santos, B. Daiana; Pereira, M. GraçaArtigoAcesso aberto
2015Reprogramming energy metabolism and inducing angiogenesis: co-expression of monocarboxylate transporters with VEGF family members in cervical adenocarcinomasPinheiro, Céline; Garcia, Eduardo A.; Morais-Santos, Filipa, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2008Self-sampling for human papillomavirus (HPV) testing as cervical cancer screening option. Experience from the LAMS studyLongatto, Adhemar; Roteli-Martins, C.; Hammes, L., et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
25-Abr-2017The relation of HPV infection and expression of p53 and p16 proteins in esophageal squamous cells carcinomaPastrez, Paula Roberta Aguiar; Mariano, Vânia Sammartino; Costa, Allini Mafra da, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
Nov-2018The relationship between esophageal cancer, chagasic megaesophagus and HPV: myths, tales or reality?Munari, Fernanda Franco; Carloni, Adriana Cruvinel; Mariano, Vânia Sammartino, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
Dez-2009Up-regulation of plasminogen activator inhibitor-2 is associated with high-risk HPV and grade of cervical lesion at baseline but does not predict outcomes of high-risk HPV infections or incident CINSyrjänen, Stina; Naud, Paulo; Sarian, Luis, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho