Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: https://hdl.handle.net/1822/56640

TítuloInnovation and stability within the dialogical self: The centrality of ambivalence
Autor(es)Ribeiro, António P.
Gonçalves, Miguel M.
Dialogical Self
innovative moments
mutual in-feeding
EditoraSAGE Publications Ltd
RevistaCulture & Psychology
Resumo(s)This commentary focuses on Ligorio's ( 2010) and O'Sullivan-Lago and de Abreu's ( 2010) work as an opportunity to elaborate upon discontinuity emergence and continuity restoration within the Dialogical Self. We depart from the pair rupture-transition as a unit of analysis for understanding the flow of change within the Dialogical Self and the centrality of ambivalence as a development catalyser to focus on the way change and maintenance of problematic self-narratives in psychotherapy are pictured by the innovative moments model. We have argued that innovative moments ( or i-moments) can be understood as episodes of rupture or discontinuity, since they challenge a person's usual way of understanding and experiencing (i.e., the problematic narrative), generating ambivalence or uncertainty. We have suggested that avoiding this ambivalence, by means of semiotic attenuation of i-moments, can foster the maintenance of the problematic self narrative. In fact, when ambivalence is not overcome, i-moments and the problematic narrative may establish a cyclical relation throughout the therapeutic process, blocking the self's development.
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Aparece nas coleções:CIPsi - Artigos (Papers)

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