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Mostrar 10-29 de um total de 116 resultados. < anterior   próximo >
2012BIOHYBRID – Biohybrid templates for peripheral nerve regenerationGrothe, Claudia; Haastert-Talini, K.; Freier, T., et al.Carta ao editorAcesso aberto
4-Nov-2017Brain MRI in a patient with classical galactosemia: acute event of unilateral hemispheric cerebral edemaOliveira, Tiago Gil; Soares-Fernandes, João PauloCarta ao editorAcesso aberto
2018Carta ao editor: o conceito de dignidade em idosos não-institucionalizados seguidos em cuidados de saúde primários: um modelo empírico preliminarRocha, Érica; Sousa, Paulo; António, Nuno, et al.Carta ao editorAcesso aberto
2015Characterization of a new genetic environment associated with GES-6 carbapenemase from a Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolate belonging to the high-risk clone ST235Botelho, J.; Grosso, F.; Sousa, Clara Cecília Santana, et al.Carta ao editorAcesso restrito UMinho
7-Set-2022Comment on Castillo et al. Ganoderma zonatum Is the Causal Agent of Basal Stem Rot in Oil Palm in Colombia. J. Fungi 2022, 8, 230Paterson, R. R. M.Carta ao editorAcesso aberto
2015Comments to paper entitled "Predicting scleral GP lens entrapped tear layer oxygen tensions"Compañ-Moreno, V.; Aguilella-Arzo, Marcel; Montero, Alvaro E., et al.Carta ao editorAcesso aberto
Mai-2020COVID-19 and Schools Closure: Implications for School NursesRosário, RafaelaCarta ao editorAcesso aberto
2018Current state and evolution of the tobacco epidemic in portuguese and european school-aged adolescents by sex, between the years 1998 and 2014Sousa, Isabel; Samorinha, Ana Catarina Carvalho; Precioso, JoséCarta ao editorAcesso restrito UMinho
2010Cytology education in the 21st century: living in the past or crossing the Rubicon?Longatto, Adhemar; Schmitt, Fernando C.Carta ao editorAcesso restrito UMinho
2019Discordance between old and new criteria for stratifying patients with COPDAraújo, António Manuel Silva Duarte de; Teixeira, Pedro Miguel Silva Costa Afonso; Hespanhol, Venceslau, et al.Carta ao editorAcesso aberto
2014Do personality differences between students from different schools generalize across countries?Costa, Patrício Soares; Costa, Manuel João; Neto, Isabel, et al.Carta ao editorAcesso aberto
2012Doctor’s perception on bacterial vaginosis in Portugal: prevalence, diagnostic methods and choice of treatmentHenriques, Ana Filipa Frutuoso Mendes; Oliveira, José Martinez de; Cerca, NunoCarta ao editorAcesso restrito UMinho
2017Dogmas and medical beliefs in COPDAraújo, António Manuel Silva DuarteCarta ao editorAcesso aberto
2012Domain-specific and generalization effects of cognitive intervention in diffuse axonal injury: a case reportAlves, Jorge; Magalhães, Rosana; Castiajo, Paula, et al.Carta ao editorAcesso aberto
2018Dosage of single low-dose primaquine to stop malaria transmissionCruz, Modesto; Sánchez, Isaac Miguel; Diaz, Jose, et al.Carta ao editorAcesso aberto
2016Ectasia detection by the assessment of corneal biomechanicsAmbrósio Jr., Renato; Lopes, Bernardo; Faria-Correia, Fernando, et al.Carta ao editorAcesso restrito UMinho
1997The effect of morphology on the properties of vapour-grown carbon fibresHattum, F. W. J. van; Serp, P.; Figueiredo, J. L., et al.Carta ao editorAcesso restrito UMinho
2011Effects of multiplicative power law neural noise in visual information processingMedina, José M.Carta ao editorAcesso restrito UMinho
Jul-1990Effects of the STM tip on atomic positions: an explanation for the non-observation of adsorbed molecules?Ramos, Marta M. D.; Stoneham, A. M.; Sutton, A. P., et al.Carta ao editorAcesso aberto
2017Enrichment of sulfidogenic bacteria from the human intestinal tractFeng, Yuan; Stams, Alfons Johannes Maria; de Vos, Willem. M., et al.Carta ao editorAcesso restrito UMinho