Center for MicroElectroMechanics Systems (CMEMS) : [628] Estatísticas


CMEMS was established in December 2013 at University of Minho and supports a research team with high degree of multidisciplinary members, from different backgrounds (engineering, physics, medical) and from academic and industrial fields. It must be stated that CMEMS members include senior researchers, national and international distinguished collaborators, post-doctoral investigators, PhD and Master students, as well industrial partners. The focus is on modeling computation, development and micro/nano fabrication of devices and components for two major domains: industrial applications (automotive, aerospace, energy, textiles) and biomedical applications (neuroengineering, microendoscopy, surgery, rehabilitation). The industrial applications are focused on microdevices and components: mechanical, optical, wireless, energy scavenging, for satellites, for navigation, and industrial coatings. The biomedical applications highlight the neuronal electrodes, lab-on-a-chip, endoscopic capsules, implantable devices,smart prostheses, surgical microinstruments, cellular solutions bioinspired and micro/nano functionalization of surfaces.

The excellence can only be achieved through international cooperation. In this way, during the period 2008-2012 several partnerships were established with European, American, and Brazilian Universities in the field of micro/nano fabrication and biomedical applications. As can be observed from CMEMS publications authors, a significant part of them is done with international investigators (approximately 40%), as well as with industrial partners. Moreover, national and regional key players should also be taken into account. In this way, a strong partnership has been built with the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), an international key player in the field of micro/nano fabrication, which is located in the city of Braga.

Center for MicroElectroMechanics Systems (CMEMS)
Universidade do Minho
Campus de Azurém
Alameda da Universidade
4800 – 058 Guimarães - Portugal

Phone: (+351) 253 510 220
Fax: (+351) 253 510 189