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TítuloFetal primary hydrothorax with spontaneous resolution
Autor(es)Trocado, Vera
Coutinho-Borges, J. P.
Carlos-Alves, Mariana
Santos, Joaquim
Pinheiro, Paula
Palavras-chaveFetal hydrothorax
EditoraElsevier 1
RevistaCase Reports in Women's Health
CitaçãoTrocado, V., Coutinho-Borges, J. P., Carlos-Alves, M., Santos, J., & Pinheiro, P. (2017). Fetal primary hydrothorax with spontaneous resolution. Case Reports in Women's Health, 15, 6-7
Resumo(s)Fetal primary hydrothorax is a rare congenital anomaly with an estimated incidence of 1:10.000–15.000 pregnancies, with an unpredictable clinical course, ranging from spontaneous resolution to fetal death. We present a case of a unilateral fetal pleural effusion identified at 35th gestational week. A 37 year-old woman (G2P1) presented to our routine term pregnancy evaluation. The pregnancy had been otherwise uneventful. At ecographic evaluation a large anechogenic fluid collection was identified in the right fetal hemithorax, with atelectasis of right lung, displacing the heart and mediastinal structures to the contralateral hemithorax. Hydramnios was also identified. No other structural abnormalities were detected, as no signs of hydrops. Fetal biometry was compatible with gestational age. Fetal ecochardiogram was structurally and functionally normal. Doppler evaluation of the peak systolic velocity in the middle cerebral artery was normal. Screening for congenital infections was negative. Complete blood cell count, blood type and antibody screening rulled-out immune hydrops. Karyotype analysis was not performed as family decision. Serial ecographic re-evaluations showed a progressive volume decrease and at the 38th week there was total resolution of the effusion. A C-section was performed at the 39th week. A live female infant was born weighing 3205 g, with no need of ventilatory support. One year post-partum follow-up evaluation confirmed the child was healthy. Spontaneous regression has been reported to occur in 9–22% of primary fetal hydrothoraxes, but the features predicting a better prognosis remain difficult to define. Unilateral effusion, spontaneous resolution and absence of hydrops at the age of diagnosis seem to be indicators of better outcome.
Versão da editorahttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214911216300509
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Aparece nas coleções:ICVS - Artigos em revistas internacionais / Papers in international journals

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