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Lista de resultados: 1-7 de um total de 7 resultados (tempo de pesquisa: 0.0 segundos).
2008Value of conventional pap smear, liquid-based cytology, visual inspection and human papillomavirus testing as optional screening tools among latin american women <35 and ≥ 35 years of age: experience from the Latin American Screening StudySyrjänen, Kari; Derchain, Sophie; Roteli-Martins, Cecilia; Longatto, Adhemar; Hammes, Luciano S.; Sarian, Luis; Members of the Latin American Screening Study GroupArtigoAcesso restrito autor
2013Can breast nipple fluid collected with automated aspiration and preserved in based-liquid solution improve the cytological samples?Filassi, José Roberto; Zonta, Marco Antonio; Trinconi, Angela; Calvagno, Daniele; Velame de Oliveira, Fernada; Ricci, Marcos Desidério; Baracat, Edmund; Longatto, AdhemarArtigoAcesso restrito autor
2018Influence of prior knowledge of human papillomavirus status on the performance of cytology screeningMartins, Toni Ricardo; Longatto, Adhemar; Cohen, Diane; Viscondi, Juliana Yukari Kodaira; Fuza, Luiz Mario; Cury, Lise; Villa, Luisa Lina; Levi, José Eduardo; Eluf-Neto, JoséArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
Mai-2011Co-factors of high-risk human papillomavirus infections display unique profiles in incident CIN1, CIN2 and CIN3Syrjänen, K.; Shabalova, I.; Naud, P.; Derchain, S.; Sarian, L.; Kozachenko, V.; Zakharchenko, S.; Roteli-Martins, C.; Nerovjna, R.; Longatto, Adhemar; Kljukina, L.; Tatti, S.; Branovskaja, M.; Branca, M.; Grunjberga, V.; Erzen, M.; Juschenko, A.; Hammes, L. Serpa; Costa, S.; Podistov, J.; Syrjänen, S.; NIS; LAMS Study Research GroupsArtigoAcesso restrito autor
Jul-2009Persistent high-risk human papillomavirus infections and other end-point markers of progressive cervical disease among women prospectively followed up in the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union and the Latin American Screening study cohortsSyrjänen, Kari; Shabalova, Irena; Naud, Paulo; Kozachenko, Vladimir; Derchain, Sophie; Zakharchenko, Sergej; Roteli-Martins, Cecilia; Nerovjna, Raisa; Longatto, Adhemar; Maeda, M. Y. S; et. al.; NIS Cohort Study Group; LAMS Study GroupArtigoAcesso restrito autor
Jan-2018High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Detection in Urine Samples From a Referral Population With Cervical Biopsy-Proven High-Grade LesionsLorenzi, Adriana T.; Fregnani, José Humberto T.; Dockter, Janel; Fitzgerald, Kerry; Strohecker, Elizabeth; Eaton, Barbara; Vibat, Cecile Rose T.; Erlander, Mark G.; Scapulatempo-Neto, Cristovam; Smith, Jennifer S.; Longatto, AdhemarArtigoAcesso restrito autor
Nov-2008KIT activation in uterine cervix adenosquamous carcinomas by KIT/SCF autocrine/paracrine stimulation loopsMartinho, Olga; Gonçalves, Alberto; Moreira, Marise A. R.; Ribeiro, Luiz F. J.; Queiroz, Geraldo S.; Schmitt, Fernando C.; Reis, R. M.; Longatto, AdhemarArtigoAcesso restrito autor
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