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Mostrar 11308-11327 de um total de 29590 resultados. < anterior   próximo >
2011Genetic alterations in poorly differentiated and undifferentiated thyroid carcicomasSoares, Paula; Lima, Jorge; Almeida, Ana, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2004Genetic alterations of adult and paediatric astrocytic tumoursReis, R. M.; Lopes, J. M.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2020Genetic and plant host differences of Fomes fomentarius in selected parts of Southern EuropeKaterina Náplavová; Gáper, Ján; Gáperová, Svetlana, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
Ago-2007Genetic characterization of commercial saccharomyces cerevisiae isolates recovered from vineyard environmentsSchuller, Dorit Elisabeth; Pereira, Leonor; Alves, Hugo, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
23-Mar-2017A genetic chronology for the Indian Subcontinent points to heavily sex-biased dispersalsSilva, Marina; Oliveira, Marisa; Vieira, Daniel, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2019Genetic defects in fungal recognition and susceptibility to invasive pulmonary aspergillosisCunha, Cristina Amorim; Carvalho, AgostinhoArtigoAcesso aberto
2018Genetic deficiency of NOD2 confers resistance to invasive aspergillosisGresnigt, Mark S.; Cunha, Cristina; Jaeger, Martin, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2016Genetic Determinants of Drug Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Their Diagnostic ValueFarhat, Maha R.; Sultana, Razvan; Iartchouk, Oleg, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
Jun-2008Genetic determinism in school textbooks : a comparative study conducted among sixteen countriesCastéra, Jérémy; Clément, Pierre; Abrougui, Mondher, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2012Genetic diversity and population structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains isolated from different grape varieties and winemaking regionsSchuller, Dorit Elisabeth; Cardoso, Filipa; Sousa, Susana, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
Jan-2018Genetic diversity and potential routes of transmission of Mycobacterium bovis in MozambiqueMachado, Adelina; Rito, Teresa; Ghebremichael, Solomon, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
21-Nov-2017Genetic diversity and structure of Iberian Peninsula cowpeas compared to world-wide cowpea accessions using high density SNP markersCarvalho, Márcia; Muñoz-Amatriaín, María; Castro, Isaura, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2014Genetic diversity of the pan-european freshwater mussel Anodonta anatina (bivalvia : unionoida) based on CO1 : new phylogenetic insights and implications for conservationFroufe, Elsa; Sobral, Carina; Teixeira, Amílcar, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
Mar-2020Genetic heterogeneity and taxonomic diversity among Gardnerella speciesCastro, Joana Isabel Reis; Jefferson, Kimberly K.; Cerca, NunoArtigoAcesso aberto
Jul-2003Genetic interaction of CTLA-4 with HLA-DR15 in multiple sclerosis patientsAlizadeh, Mehdi; Babron, Marie-Claude; Birebent, Brigitte, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
Jul-2019Genetic polymorphisms in genes of class switch recombination and multiple myeloma risk and survival: an IMMEnSE studyCampa, Daniele; Martino, Alessandro; Macauda, Angelica, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
2022Genetic prediction of ICU hospitalization and mortality in COVID-19 patients using artificial neural networksAsteris, Panagiotis G.; Gavriilaki, Eleni; Touloumenidou, Tasoula, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2018Genetic profile and patient-reported outcomes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A systematic reviewMelro, Hélder; Gomes, Jorge; Moura, Gabriela, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2014Genetic PTX3 deficiency and aspergillosis in stem-cell transplantationRodrigues, Fernando José dos Santos; Cunha, Cristina; Aversa, Franco, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2019Genetic Regulation of the Host-Fungus Interaction in the Pathogenesis of AspergillosisAntunes, Daniela; Cunha, Cristina; Carvalho, AgostinhoArtigoAcesso aberto