Percorrer por assunto Human papillomavirus

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Jul-2011Deregulated expression of superoxide dismutase-2 correlates with different stages of cervical neoplasiaTermini, Lara; Filho, A. L.; Maciag, Paulo Cesar, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2019Diversity of human papillomavirus typing among women population living in rural and remote areas of Brazilian territoryLorenzi, Adriana Tarlá; Fregnani, José Humberto; Villa, Luisa Lina, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2011Evaluation of the combination of cytology and hybrid capture to safely predict the high-grade lesion status of patients treated with conization with large loop excision of the transformation zoneRoncaglia, Maria Teresa; Tacla, Maricy; Motta, Eduardo Vieira da, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
Abr-2005Immunocytochemical expression of p16 INK4A and Ki-67 in cytologically negative and equivocal pap smears positive for oncogenic human papillomavirusLongatto Filho, Adhemar; Utagawa, Maria Lúcia; Shirata, Neuza Kasumi, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2020Implementation of a cervical cancer screening strategy using HPV self-sampling for women living in rural areasPossati-Resende, Júlio Cesar; Vazquez, Fabiana de Lima; Pantano, Naitielle de Paula, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
2018Is human papilloma virus associated with breast cancer? A review of the molecular evidenceMalhone, Carolina; Longatto, Adhemar; Filassi, José RobertoArtigoAcesso restrito autor
Set-2018Methylation of the hsa-miR-124, SOX1, TERT, and LMX1A genes as biomarkers for precursor lesions in cervical cancerRogeri, Caroline Domingues; Silveira, Henrique César Santejo; Causin, Rhafaela Lima, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2018Qualidade de vida em mulheres com cancro do colo do úteroLopes, Ana Clara SilvaDissertação de mestrado Acesso restrito UMinho
2013Self-collection for high-risk HPV detection in Brazilian women using the care HPV™ testLorenzi, Adriana Tarlá; Fregnani, José Humberto; Possati-Resende, Júlio César, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
24-Abr-2018Strong SOD2 expression and HPV-16/18 positivity are independent events in cervical cancerRabelo-Santos, Silvia Helena; Termini, Lara; Boccardo, Enrique, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
Nov-2018The relationship between esophageal cancer, chagasic megaesophagus and HPV: myths, tales or reality?Munari, Fernanda Franco; Carloni, Adriana Cruvinel; Mariano, Vânia Sammartino, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2008Value of conventional pap smear, liquid-based cytology, visual inspection and human papillomavirus testing as optional screening tools among latin american women <35 and ≥ 35 years of age: experience from the Latin American Screening StudySyrjänen, Kari; Derchain, Sophie; Roteli-Martins, Cecilia, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
2016Vírus papiloma humano: insatisfação sexual e impacto psicossocial na qualidade de vidaLeite, Vânia Isabel DiasDissertação de mestrado Acesso restrito UMinho