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Mostrar 14-33 de um total de 93 resultados. < anterior   próximo >
2018Being a mother of preterm multiples in the context of socioeconomic disadvantage: perceived stress and psychological symptomsBaptista, Joana; Moutinho, Vanessa Andrade Barbosa; Mateus, Vera Lúcia Esteves, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2012Can we identify emotion over-regulation in infancy? Associations with avoidant attachment, dyadic emotional interaction and temperamentMartins, Eva Costa; Soares, Isabel; Martins, Carla, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2018Caregiving Helplessness Questionnaire (CHQ) aplicado a mães portuguesas de crianças em idade pré-escolar: Um estudo psicométricoToscano, Carolina; Baptista, Joana; Mesquita, Ana, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2023Changes to women’s childbirth plans during the COVID-19 pandemic and posttraumatic stress symptoms: a cross-national studyMesquita, Ana Raquel Marcelino; Costa, Raquel; Dikmen-Yildiz, Pelin, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
2012Child and mother mental-state talk in shared pretense as predictors of children's social symbolic play abilities at age 3.Osório, Ana Alexandra Caldas; Meins, Elizabeth; Martins, Carla, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2019Child's oxytocin response to mother-child interaction: The contribution of child genetics and maternal behaviorBaiao, Rita; Fearon, Pasco; Belsky, Jay, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2024Configurations of mother-child and father-child attachment relationships as predictors of child language competence: an individual participant data meta-analysisDagan, Or; Schuengel, Carlo; Verhage, Marije L., et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
2022Controlling parenting and executive functioning in children born pretermToscano, Carolina; Sá, Cindy; Baptista, Joana, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
2020Controlling parenting behaviors in parents of children born preterm: a meta-analysisToscano, Carolina; Soares, Isabel; Mesman, JudiArtigoAcesso restrito autor
Fev-2023Cortisol reactivity and negative affect among preterm infants at 12 months during a mother-infant interaction taskMoutinho, Vanessa Andrade Barbosa; Baptista, Joana; Mesquita, Ana Raquel Marcelino, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
2020Crossing boundaries: a pilot study of maternal attitudes about child maltreatment in nine countriesMesman, Judi; Branger, Marjolein; Woudstra, Mi-lan, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2020Dataset on maternal attitudes about child maltreatment in nine countries using a Q-sort methodologyWoudstra, Mi-lan; Ginkel, Joost van; Branger, Marjolein, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
2015Desenvolvimento de crianças em acolhimento institucional e impacto da qualidade dos cuidados relacionaisBaptista, Joana; Mesquita, Ana; Soares, IsabelArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2010Desenvolvimento, psicopatologia e apego: estudo exploratório com crianças institucionalizadas e suas cuidadorasPereira, Mariana; Soares, Isabel; Dias, Pedro, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2019Development and validation of an observational measure of symptoms of Reactive Attachment DisorderCorval, Ana Raquel Morais; Belsky, Jay; Baptista, Joana, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
Mai-2013Diverse physical growth trajectories in institutionalized portuguese children below age 3: relation to child, family, and institutional factorsMartins, Carla; Belsky, Jay; Marques, Sofia, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2020Does 5-HTTLPR moderate the effect of the quality of environmental context on maternal sensitivity? Testing the differential susceptibility hypothesisBaiao, Rita; Fearon, Pasco; Belsky, Jay, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
2014Does early family risk and current quality of care predict indiscriminate social behavior in institutionalized portuguese children?Soares, Isabel; Belsky, Jay; Oliveira, Paula, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
Mai-2016Does infertility history affect the emotional adjustment of couples undergoing assisted reproduction? the mediating role of the importance of parenthoodRamos, Mariana Moura; Gameiro, S.; Canavarro, M. C., et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2019Early family adversity, stability and consistency of institutional care and infant cognitive, language and motor development across the first six months of institutionalizationBaptista, Joana; Belsky, Jay; Marques, Sofia, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho