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Mostrar 4-23 de um total de 44 resultados. < anterior   próximo >
Jun-2018Assessment of prognostic performance of Albumin-Bilirubin, Child-Pugh, and Model for End-stage Liver Disease scores in patients with liver cirrhosis complicated with acute upper gastrointestinal bleedingXavier, Sofia A.; Vilas-Boas, Ricardo; Boal Carvalho, Pedro, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2018Childhood physical maltreatment with physical injuries is associated with higher adult psychopathology symptomsLamela, Diogo; Figueiredo, BárbaraArtigoAcesso aberto
Mai-2011Co-factors of high-risk human papillomavirus infections display unique profiles in incident CIN1, CIN2 and CIN3Syrjänen, K.; Shabalova, I.; Naud, P., et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
2005Comparing PAP smear cytology, aided visual inspection, screening colposcopy, cervicography and HPV testing as optional screening tools in Latin America. Study design and baseline data of the LAMS studySyrjänen, K.; Naud, P.; Derchain, S., et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2019COPD's early origins in low-and-middle income countries: what are the implications of a false start?Brakema, E. A.; van Gemert, F. A.; van der Kleij, R. M. J. J., et al.Editorial em revistaAcesso aberto
Nov-2012Decreasing arterial aging by controlling blood pressure levels and hypertension: a step forwardScuteri, Angelo; Cunha, Pedro GuimarãesArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2019Demographic, psychological and relationship factors are associated with resource loss among pregnant womenCosta, Eleonora C. V.; Moreira, Litícia; Castanheira, Eva, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
Abr-2008Drug addiction is not an independent risk factor for oncogenic human papillomavirus infections or high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: case-control study nested within the Latin American Screening study cohortSyrjänen, K.; Naud, P.; Derchain, S., et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
Abr-2019EGF+61 A>G polymorphism is not associated with lung cancer risk in the Brazilian populationLaus, Ana Carolina; de Paula, Flavia Escremim; de Lima, Marcos Alves, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
21-Nov-2014Establishing reference values for central blood pressure and its amplification in a general healthy population and according to cardiovascular risk factorsHerbert, Annie; Cruickshank, John Kennedy; Laurent, Stéphane, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2018Expression of tumor suppressors miR-195 and let-7a as potential biomarkers of invasive breast cancerMarques, Marcia M.; Evangelista, Adriane F.; Macedo, Taciane, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
Mai-2019Factors associated with loss to follow-up in Tuberculosis treatment in the Huambo Province, AngolaSantos, E.; Felgueiras, Ó.; Oliveira, O., et al.Carta ao editorAcesso aberto
2022Family history of arterial hypertension and central adiposity: impact on blood pressure in schoolchildrenTozo, Tatiana Aparecida Affornali; Gisi, Maria Lourdes; Brand, Caroline, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2018Genetic deficiency of NOD2 confers resistance to invasive aspergillosisGresnigt, Mark S.; Cunha, Cristina; Jaeger, Martin, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
Mar-2018Genetic variants of vascular endothelial growth factor predict risk and survival of gliomasLinhares, Paulo; Pereira, Marta Sofia Carvalho Ribeiro Viana; Ferreira, Mónica, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
Jul-2011Health-related behaviours in the EpiPorto study: cancer survivors versus participants with no cancer historyPacheco-Figueiredo, Luís; Antunes, Luis; Bento, Maria José, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
Abr-2009Increased risk of oncogenic human papillomavirus infections and incident high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia among smokers: experience from the Latin American screening studySarian, Luis Otavio; Hammes, Luciano Serpa; Longatto, Adhemar, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
Dez-2019Long-term follow-up after EMR of large colorectal lesions: metachronous lesions, predictors and surveillance timingCosta, Dalila Amélia Amorim; Brandão, Mariana; Costa, Rita, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
1-Jul-2019A nationwide study of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Portugal 2014-2017 using epidemiological and molecular clustering analysesOliveira, Olena Radomska; Gaio, Rita; Carvalho, Carlos, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
Nov-2008New foci of Buruli ulcer, Angola and Democratic Republic of CongoKibadi, Kapay; Panda, Mbutu; Tamfum, Jean-Jacques Muyembe, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto