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TítuloTrying changes around a cup of tea…
Autor(es)Nobre, Alexandra
Almeida Aguiar, Cristina
Almeida, M. J.
Palavras-chaveLife-long learning
EditoraEuropean Distance and E-Learning Network
Resumo(s)European countries as well as economically developed countries are experiencing a process of population aging. Although all countries' population pyramids differ, a general trend towards constrictive pyramids is registered. This type of pyramid corresponds to countries where life expectancy is long and death, as well as birth rate is low. Consequently, populations are ageing and show lower numbers of younger people. This situation is changing the paradigms of the way we view and organize society in general terms. Another great alteration of the present days, and by the way, the genesis of major convulsions on a global scale, is the economical/ financial crisis that has triggered a generalized multiplicity of challenges/ obstacles/ difficulties. We know that to transform the world we must first transform the way we “look at it”. In our opinion, it is mandatory (i) to take advantage of this particular moment and (ii) to turn this fact into the seed of the fair and sustainable society we want for the future. We believe all human beings possess essential skills for survival: the ability to communicate and to learn. We all learn by changing experiences and communicating with others, either vertically across generations, or horizontally among people of the same age The collaborative behaviors, social activities and voluntary or supportive practices have to be assimilated and “genetically imprinted” by all in order to create a just society, that is, a decent place, based on happiness and well-being for all. University is a peculiar workplace. Working in a public institution, we observed facts which undoubtedly always existed, but that now seem to be occurring with greater intensity and frequency. There are events that ultimately remove or block the activities of the professionals of the institution. We quote, among many, some facts, such as: a) the dismissal of teachers; b) transfer of teachers and employees of sectors and activities; c) not steady state hiring of teachers and the placement of employees "available"; d) blocking, non-host of activities, even if (apparently) of interest to the institution; e) the negative evaluation of reports and projects that may affect the functional life (in the limit disrespect) and f) the refusal of projects and other ways to make life easier for working people. Why they occur? Among other issues, the ambition and fear can lead to tactics of power in the workplace; can have constructive functions or unhealthy manifestations of power. How to change this state of things, promoting the change of relations in the workplace? Certainly, motivating. One of the most famous theories of human behavior, the Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Maslow, 1943), separates human needs/ desires into five ascending levels, from basic or survival needs such as eating to the highest goal of self-actualization, where full realization and accomplishment of one’s potential can be achieved. Inspired by the dynamic Maslow's pyramid, and sharing the belief that one must be the change one wants to see, a small group of three teachers from Departamento de Biologia at Universidade do Minho, in Braga – Portugal, decided to implement an indoor initiative to look at and to debate cross-cutting issues to multiple areas (not only to science, or biology in particular) in order to focus the intangible, higher needs of peers, students and other staff. With such an encounter, the organizers aim to bring together diverse participants, with different perceptions and experiences, and to stimulate a conversation about general relevant themes (creativity, motivation, inspiration, failing, among others) in an informal/cosy environment around a cup of tea.
TipoResumo em ata de conferência
Arbitragem científicayes
AcessoAcesso aberto
Aparece nas coleções:DBio - Comunicações/Communications in Congresses

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