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TítuloImagining tomorrow´s river: fluvial mobility in the Rhône
Autor(es)Lourenço, Júlia, ed. lit.
Neiva, Carolina, ed. lit.
Bardi, Tiziana, ed. lit.
Beauchene, Stéphanie, ed. lit.
Palavras-chaveFluvial mobility
Urban planning
EditoraUniversidade do Minho. Escola de Engenharia (EEng)
Resumo(s)By joining a multidisciplinary team as a work group, and with the help of technicians, professors and inventors, several projects were presented for the dock. This project has the final target to serve the local population and to improve their quality of life. To do so it is necessary to know the population characteristics as well as the territory were there live. So, the first part of the work presents some characteristics of the territory where Givors is located, starting from a macro scale with the River Rhône, passing to the Rhône- Alpes Region, then the Pole Metropolitaine and finally to Givors Ville (in French). This layer of scale is important to understand the characteristics of the city, and also because they are the administrative scale were the study object is inserted. Finally, it is presented the projects located in the site “0”. In line with this thought it is also important to now the infrastructures that are present in the region, so that the connection to the surrounding areas of the Rhône can be achieved. The infrastructures that were contemplated were the highways, national roads, the railways, and the “Voie Verte” that is a path dedicated only to soft mobility. A brief characterization of the Rhône River as a cultural place is also presented. After this macro scale description, the document relays on Givors Ville. As the place of implementation of the project it is important to make a quick portrait of the demography, the territory, infrastructures, culture and planning constrains of the city and of the site “0”. As a final point, the projects developed by the four working groups involved in the workshop are presented.
Versão da editorahttp://www.maisondufleuverhone.org
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AcessoAcesso restrito UMinho
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