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TítuloFrom fast fashion to slow fashion : a challenge to design
Autor(es)Refosco, Ereany
Oenning, Josiany
Carneiro, Noémia
Palavras-chaveSlow fashion
Slow design
Fast fashion
EditoraCongresso Internacional de Pesquisa em Design (CIPED)
Resumo(s)Slow Fashion is defined as fashion integrating durable and timeless pieces, and specially using superior raw material and high quality finishing. It came out from concepts generated by the slow design, a new approach to present products able to respect human condition, biodiversity and the limitation of natural resources. It is directly concerned with sustainability, due to inherent increase of life cycle of the products and the significant reduction of the impact of human actions in the environment. Slow Fashion is responsible by higher quality and durability of the pieces, offering to the consumer specific and exclusive products. All the players in the textile chain can get higher value with fair salaries and better working conditions. This means less textile wastes, constantly rejected to the environment. A true challenge will be faced in order to overcome the frontier separating fast fashion and the concept and practice of slow fashion, ensuring that the environment and the society will recognize huge advantages and will thank the efforts made, sooner than we can really imagine.
TipoArtigo em ata de conferência
Arbitragem científicayes
AcessoAcesso restrito UMinho
Aparece nas coleções:DET/2C2T - Comunicações em congressos internacionais com arbitragem científica

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FROM FAST FASHION TO SLOW FASHION - CIPED - Refosco, Oenning e Carneiro - Ingles - FINAL.pdf
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