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Mostrar 8-27 de um total de 34 resultados. < anterior   próximo >
2017Guest editorialSampaio, PauloEditorial em revistaAcesso aberto
19-Mai-2022Guest editorial: quality in the digital transformation eraSampaio, Paulo; Carvalho, André M.; Domingues, José Pedro Teixeira, et al.Editorial em revistaAcesso restrito autor
2018Integrated management systems diffusion models in South European countriesCabecinhas, Mónica Paula Ferreira; Domingues, José Pedro Teixeira; Sampaio, Paulo, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
28-Fev-2023Integration of multi-criteria decision-making approaches adapted for quality function deployment: an analytical literature review and future research agendaHariri, Ahmad; Domingues, Pedro; Sampaio, PauloArtigoAcesso restrito autor
2022ISO 21500 and success management: an integrated model for project managementTakagi, Nilton; Varajão, JoãoArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2017ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 17025 which is the best option for a laboratory of metrology? The Portuguese experienceBarradas, José; Sampaio, PauloArtigoAcesso restrito autor
2011ISO 9001 certification forecasting modelsSampaio, Paulo; Saraiva, Pedro; Rodrigues, António GuimarãesArtigoAcesso aberto
2012ISO 9001 certification pay-off: myth versus realitySampaio, Paulo; Saraiva, Pedro; Monteiro, AnaArtigoAcesso aberto
2009ISO 9001 certification research: Questions, answers and approachesSampaio, Paulo; Saraiva, Pedro; Rodrigues, António GuimarãesArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2017Management systems integration: survey resultsDomingues, José Pedro Teixeira; Sampaio, Paulo; Arezes, P.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2012Management systems: integration or addition?Sampaio, Paulo; Saraiva, Pedro; Domingues, PedroArtigoAcesso aberto
2016Methodology for uncertainty characterization of performance measuresLopes, Isabel da Silva; Sousa, Sérgio; Nunes, Eusébio P.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
2-Jan-2024Organizational maturity models: the leading research fields and opportunities for further studiesKucińska-Landwójtowicz, Aneta; Czabak-Górska, Izabela Dagmara; Domingues, José Pedro Teixeira, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
11-Abr-2023Performance measurement model for technical universities - case studyKucinska-Landwojtowicz, Aneta; Czabak-Gorska, Izabela Dagmara; Lorenc, Marcin, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
Out-2021Quality 4.0: literature review analysis, definition and impacts of the digital transformation process on qualityDias, Ana Margarida; Carvalho, André M.; Sampaio, PauloArtigoAcesso restrito autor
2018Selected papers of the 2nd International Conference on Quality Engineering and ManagementSampaio, PauloEditorial em revistaAcesso restrito UMinho
Mai-2023SMART-QUAL: a dashboard for quality measurement in higher education institutionsAdot, Esther; Akhmedova, Anna; Alvelos, Helena, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
2017A standard proposal for biological resources centresMartins, A.; Lima, Nelson; Sampaio, PauloArtigoAcesso aberto
5-Ago-2019Supply chain management and organizational performance: the resonant influenceDuong, Binh An Thi; Truong, Huy Quang; Sameiro, Maria, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor
2017Supply chain management and quality management integration A conceptual model proposalFernandes, Ana Cristina; Sampaio, Paulo; Carvalho, Maria Sameiro, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito autor