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Mostrar 10-29 de um total de 47 resultados. < anterior   próximo >
Jul-2018Characterization of commercial Tunisian monovarietal olive oils produced from autochthonous olive cultivarsSlim, Souihli; Rodrigues, Nuno; Veloso, Ana C. A., et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
21-Jun-2017Characterization of the chemical composition of banana peels from southern Brazil across the seasons using nuclear magnetic resonance and chemometricsCardoso, S.; Maraschin, Marcelo; Peruch, Luiz Augusto Martins, et al.Artigo em ata de conferênciaAcesso aberto
2017A chemometrics approach for nuclear magnetic resonance data to characterize the partial metabolome banana peels from southern BrazilCardoso, Sara Manso Sousa; Maraschin, Marcelo; Peruch, Luiz Augusto Martins, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
21-Jun-2017Classification tools for carotenoid content estimation in Manihot esculenta via metabolomics and machine learningMoresco, Rodolfo; Afonso, T.; Uarrota, Virgílio G., et al.Artigo em ata de conferênciaAcesso aberto
15-Fev-2018Detection of BCG bacteria using a magnetoresistive biosensor: A step towards a fully electronic platform for tuberculosis point-of-care detectionBarroso, Teresa Raquel Guerra; Martins, Rui C.; Fernandes, Elisabete, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
Dez-2017Discrimination of olive oil by cultivar, geographical origin and quality using potentiometric electronic tongue fingerprintsSouayah, Fatma; Rodrigues, Nuno; Veloso, Ana C. A., et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
30-Nov-2022Does water addition during the industrial milling phase affect the chemical-sensory quality of olive oils? The case of cv. Arbequina oilsMarx, Ítala M. G.; Casal, Susana; Rodrigues, Nuno, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2021Effect of malaxation temperature on the physicochemical and sensory quality of cv. Cobrançosa olive oil and its evaluation using an electronic tongueMarx, Ítala M. G.; Rodrigues, Nuno; Veloso, Ana C. A., et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
4-Dez-2018Electrochemical sensor-based devices for assessing bioactive compounds in olive oils: a brief reviewMarx, Ítala M. G.; Veloso, Ana C. A.; Dias, Luís G., et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
29-Fev-2024Electronic nose: a tool to verify the PDO declaration of Portuguese olive oilsRodrigues, Nuno; Ferreiro, Nuno; Ruano, Daniela, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
Jun-2017Estimation of composition of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) grains by Near-Infrared Transmission spectroscopyEncina-Zelada, Christian René; Cadavez, Vasco; Pereda, Jorge, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2018Estimation of Proximate Composition of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa, Willd.) Flour by Near-Infrared Transmission SpectroscopyEncina-Zelada, Christian René; Cadavez, Vasco; Pereda, Jorge, et al.Artigo em ata de conferênciaAcesso aberto
2019Evaluation of total polyphenol content of wines by means of voltammetric techniques: Cyclic voltammetry vs differential pulse voltammetryVilas-Boas, Angela; Valderrama, Patricia; Fontes, Natacha, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
19-Jul-2018Honey evaluation using electronic tongues: an overviewVeloso, Ana C. A.; Sousa, Mara E. B. C.; Estevinho, Leticia, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2019Machine learning in analytical chemistry: applying innovative data analysis methods using chromatographic techniquesGonçalves, Diogo BarrosDissertação de mestrado Acesso aberto
1-Jan-2014Metabolomics combined with chemometric tools (PCA, HCA, PLS-DA and SVM) for screening cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) roots during postharvest physiological deteriorationUarrota, Virgílio Gavicho; Moresco, Rodolfo; Coelho, Bianca, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
4-Jul-2008Monitoring an activated sludge reactor using IR spectroscopyDias, A. M. A.; Paulo, Ana M. S.; Mesquita, D. P., et al.Resumo em ata de conferência Acesso aberto
Jul-2019Monitoring the debittering of traditional stoned green table olives during the aqueous washing process using an electronic tongueRodrigues, Nuno; Marx, Ítala M. G.; Dias, Luís G., et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
Set-2020Multivariate analysis as a tool for selecting the vine pruning pretreatment towards the highest enzymatic hydrolysis yieldFilho, Elenilson G. Alves; Maciel, Tatiane C.; Gudiña, Eduardo José, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
15-Ago-2015Near-infrared spectroscopy for the detection and quantification of bacterial contaminations in pharmaceutical productsQuintelas, C.; Mesquita, D. P.; Lopes, João A., et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto