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Mostrar 40-49 de um total de 49 resultados. < anterior 
26-Jan-2018Strangulated Spiegel's hernia mimicking ischaemic colitis: endoscopic diagnosis of a rare surgical emergencyCúrdia Gonçalves, Tiago; Monteiro, Sara; Marinho, Carla, et al.OutroAcesso aberto
8-Set-2014Submucosal lesion of the oesophagus: not everything is what it seemsCarvalho, Ana Raquel Franky Gomes; Rodrigues, Ana João; Sousa, Nuno, et al.ArtigoAcesso restrito UMinho
2012Tear film inflammatory mediators during continuous wear of contact lenses and corneal refractive therapyGonzález-Pérez, Javier; Villa-Collar, César; Sobrino Moreiras, Tomás, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2013The Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network (SPIN) Cohort : protocol for a cohort multiple randomised controlled trial (cmRCT) design to support trials of psychosocial and rehabilitation interventions in a rare disease contextKwakkenbos, Linda; Jewett, Lisa R; Baron, Murray, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
Ago-2018Time matters in multiple sclerosis: can early treatment and long-term follow-up ensure everyone benefits from the latest advances in multiple sclerosis?Cerqueira, João José; Compston, D. Alastair S.; Geraldes, Ruth, et al.Editorial em revistaAcesso aberto
14-Dez-2016Vertical muscle transposition with silicone band belting in VI nerve palsyDourado Leite, Ricardo; Freitas, Cristina; Guimaraes, SandraArtigoAcesso aberto
2013What is in? pneumoperitoneum after sexual intercourseLeão, Pedro; Carvalho, Ana Raquel Franky Gomes; Torrão, Helena, et al.OutroAcesso aberto
2015When pneumonia becomes a double congenital diaphragmatic herniaGoulart, Andre; Torrão, Helena; Leão, PedroOutroAcesso aberto
Out-2014When something is not quite right: an ankle sprainda Encarnação, António Paulo MartinsArtigoAcesso restrito autor
2019Zombie reviews taking over the PROSPERO systematic review registry. It’s time to fight back!Andrade, Renato; Pereira, Rogério; Weir, Adam, et al.Editorial em revistaAcesso restrito UMinho