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TítuloNumerical experiments with a continuous L_2-exponential merit function for semi-infinite programming
Autor(es)Pereira, Ana I. P. N.
Fernandes, Edite Manuela da G. P.
Palavras-chaveSemi-infinite programming
Reduction method
Merit function
EditoraAIP Publishing
RevistaAIP Conference Proceedings
CitaçãoSIMOS, T. E. ; PSIHOYIOS, G., ed. lit., - “International Electronic Conference on Computer Science 2007 (leCCS 2007)” [S.l.] : American Institute of Physics, 2008. ISBN 978-0-7354-0590-5. vol. 1060, p. 11-14.
Resumo(s)Here, we present some numerical experiments with a reduction method for solving nonlinear semi-infinite programming (SIP) problems. The method relies on a line search technique to ensure a sufficient decrease of a L_2-exponential merit function. The proposed merit function is continuous for SIP and improves the algorithm efficiency when compared with other previously tested merit functions. A comparison with other reduction methods is also included.
TipoArtigo em ata de conferência
Arbitragem científicayes
AcessoAcesso aberto
Aparece nas coleções:LES/ALG - Textos completos em actas de encontros científicos internacionais com arbitragem

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