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TítuloOptimized anisotropic magnetoelectric response of Fe61.6Co16.4Si10.8B11.2/PVDF/Fe61.6Co16.4Si10.8B11.2 laminates for AC/DC magnetic field sensing
Autor(es)Reis, S.
Silva, M. P.
Castro, N.
Correia, V.
Gutierrez, J.
Lasheras, A.
Lanceros-Méndez, S.
Martins, P.
Magnetic sensor
Fe Co Si B /PVDF Fe Co Si B 61.6 16.4 10.8 11.2 61.6 16.4 10.8 11.2
EditoraIOP Publishing
RevistaSmart Materials and Structures
CitaçãoReis, S., Silva, M.P., Castro, N., Correia, V., Gutierrez, J., Lasheras, A., Lanceros-Mendez, S., Martins, P. Optimized anisotropic magnetoelectric response of Fe61.6Co16.4Si10.8B11.2/PVDF/Fe61.6Co16.4Si10.8B11.2 laminates for AC/DC magnetic field sensing (2016) Smart Materials and Structures, 25 (5), art. no. 055050. doi: 10.1088/0964-1726/25/5/055050
Resumo(s)Anisotropic magnetoelectric (ME) effect on a Fe61.6Co16.4Si10.8B11.2/PVDF Fe61.6Co16.4Si10.8B11.2laminate composite has been used for the development of a magnetic field sensor able to detect both magnitude and direction of AC and DC magnetic fields. Accuracy (99% for both AC and DC sensors), linearity (92% for the DC sensor and 99% for the AC sensor) and reproducibility (99% for both sensors) indicate the suitability of the sensor for applications. Further, the sensitivity of the Fe61.6Co16.4Si10.8B11.2/PVDF/ Fe61.6Co16.4Si10.8B11.2 anisotropic magnetic sensor, 15 and 1400 mV.Oe-1 for DC and AC fields, respectively, are the highest reported in the literature for polymer-based ME materials . Such features allied to the flexibility, versatility, lightweight, low cost and low-temperature fabrication lead to the suitability of the developed sensor for magnetic sensor applications.
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