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TítuloSome structural properties of the free profinite aperiodic semigroup
Autor(es)Almeida, Jorge
Costa, José Carlos
Zeitoun, Marc
Palavras-chaveProfinite semigroup
Aperiodic semigroup
Regular language
Word problem
EditoraMath. Department of the University of Liège
Resumo(s)Profinite semigroups provide powerful tools to understand properties of classes of regular languages. Until very recently however, little was known on the structure of "large" relatively free profinite semi- groups. In this paper, we present new results obtained for the class of all finite aperiodic (that is, group-free) semigroups. Given a finite alphabet X, we focus on the following problems: (1) the word problem for ω-terms on X evaluated on the free pro-aperiodic semigroup, and (2) the computation of closures of regular languages in the ω-subsemigroup of the free pro-aperiodic semigroup generated by X.
TipoArtigo em ata de conferência
Arbitragem científicayes
AcessoAcesso aberto
Aparece nas coleções:CMAT - Artigos em atas de conferências e capítulos de livros com arbitragem / Papers in proceedings of conferences and book chapters with peer review

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