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TítuloAn agent based approach to the selection dilemma in CBR
Autor(es)Analide, César
Abelha, António
Machado, José Manuel
Neves, José
Palavras-chaveCase based reasoning
Evolutionary computation
Extended logic programming
RevistaStudies in Computational Intelligence
Resumo(s)It is our understanding that a selection algorithm in Case Based Reasoning (CBR) must not only apply the principles of evolution found in nature, to the predicament of finding an optimal solution, but to be assisted by a methodology for problem solving based on the concept of agent. On the other hand, a drawback of any evolutionary algorithm is that a solution is better only in comparison to other(s), presently known solutions; such an algorithm actually has no concept of an optimal solution, or any way to test whether a solution is optimal. In this paper it is addressed the problem of The Selection Dilemma in CBR, where the candidate solutions are seen as evolutionary logic programs or theories, here understood as making the core of computational entities or agents, being the test whether a solution is optimal based on a measure of the quality-of-information that stems out of them.
TipoArtigo em ata de conferência
Arbitragem científicayes
AcessoAcesso restrito UMinho
Aparece nas coleções:DI/CCTC - Livros e Capítulos de livros

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