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dc.contributor.advisorLourenço, Paulo B.-
dc.contributor.authorFilippoupolitis, Marios-
dc.descriptionMaster’s Thesis Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructionspor
dc.description.abstractThe South Oculus at Canterbury Cathedral is a wrought iron space frame, consisting of two layers (Ferramenta and Grille) connected by tie bars (Pins). It is in very good condition despite its almost 850 years of history. The in situ survey of the Cathedral confirmed that the Ferramenta and the external grille are in general in relative good condition with the exception of some local failures. On the contrary, the pins are the most deteriorated part of the structure. An ambiental vibration test was carried out and the modal response of the structure was identified. In order to assess the safety of the oculus with respect to wind load, a model of the structure was built with the finite element software DIANA and calibrated using the results of the experimental campaign. The non linear analysis of the existing structure resulted in a safety factor of about ten, when compared with the wind load as specified by the EC1. In addition, parametric studies have highlighted the importance of the external grille for the structure and have provided an estimate of the consequences of a further deterioration in terms of the load bearing capacity of the Oculus.por
dc.description.abstractO vitral circular localizado na parede Sul da Catedral de Canterbury corresponde a uma estrutura em ferro forjado composto por duas componentes (grelha externa e estrutura de suporte dos vidros) ligadas por barras ortogonais. Apesar dos 850 anos de história, a estrutura mantém-se em bom estado de conservação. A inspeção in situ da Catedral confirmou que a estrutura de suporte dos vidros encontra-se, em geral, em bom estado de conservação. Por sua vez, as barras horizontais de ligação das duas componentes apresentam-se como a parte mais deteriorada da estrutura. Além disso, foram realizados ensaios de vibração ambiental, através dos quais foram identificadas as propriedades dinâmicas da estrutura. Tendo por objetivo avaliar a estabilidade do vitral sob a ação do vento, preparou-se um modelo numérico no programa de elementos finitos DIANA. O modelo foi calibrado com recurso aos resultados experimentais obtidos nos ensaios de vibração ambiental. A análise não linear da estrutura no seu estado atual permitiu concluir que o valor do fator de segurança é cerca de dez, em relação ao valor regulamentar proposto pelo EC1. Além disso, a análise paramétrica realçou a importância da grelha externa no comportamento da estrutura e permitiu ainda estimar as consequências da continuação da deterioração na capacidade de carga do vitral.por
dc.description.abstractΤο ¨μάτι¨ (Oculus, λατ.) του νότιου κλείτουσ του καθεδρικοφ ναό ςτο Canterbury, είναι ζνα χωρικό πλαίςιο από ςφυρήλατο ςίδηρο. Αποτελείται από δφο επίπεδα, ζνα εςωτερικό (Ferramenta) το οποίο ςυγκρατεί το βιτρό και μια εξωτερική εςχάρα (Grille). Η ςφνδεςη μεταξυ τουσ γίνεται με τη χρήςη μικρϊν κυλινδρικϊν ςυνδετήριων ςτοιχείων (Pins). Παρά τα περίπου 850 χρόνια τησ ιςτορίασ τησ, η καταςκευή παραμζνει ςε πολφ καλή κατάςταςη. Η επί τόπου ζρευνα ζπιβεβαίωςε ότι η Ferramenta και η εξωτερική εςχάρα διατηροφνται γενικά χωρίσ κάποια εμφανή ςημάδια διάβρωςησ, με εξαίρεςη κάποιεσ τοπικεσ αςτοχίεσ. Αντιθζτωσ, τα Pins βρζθηκαν ωσ τα πιο διαβρωμζνα τμήματα τησ καταςκευήσ. Η ιδιομορφική απόκριςη τησ καταςκευήσ προςδιορίςτηκε με την εκτζλεςη ενόσ ambiental vibration test, τα αποτελζςματα του οποίου χρηςιμοποιήθηκαν για την αναβάθμιςη του μοντζλου πεπεραςμζνων ςτοιχείων, που χρηςιμοποιήθηκε για την αποτίμηςη τησ φζρουςασ ικανότητασ τησ καταςκευήσ ζναντι ανεμοπιζςεωσ. Τα αποτελζςματα τησ μη – γραμμικήσ ανάλυςησ ζδειξαν ότι η καταςκευή ςτη ςημερινή τησ κατάςταςη, ςυγκρινόμενη με το φορτίο ςχεδιαςμοφ που ο EC1 προτείνει για την ανεμοπίεςη, δίνει ζνα ςυντελεςτή αςφάλειασ τησ τάξησ του δζκα. Επιπρόςθετα, οι παραμετρικζσ αναλφςεισ που ζγιναν απζδειξαν το ςημαντικό ρόλο που ζχει η εςχάρα ςτο μηχανιςμό ανάληψησ φορτίων, καθϊσ και τισ ςυνζπειεσ που θα ζχει ςτη φζρουςα ικανότητα τησ καταςκευήσ η περαιτζρω διάβρωςη των μελϊν τησ.por
dc.titleThe south oculus at Canterbury cathedralpor
Aparece nas coleções:BUM - Dissertações de Mestrado
ISISE - Dissertações de Mestrado

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