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Mostrar 6-16 de um total de 16 resultados. < anterior 
Fev-2016Fueling the bio-economy: european culture collections and microbiology education and trainingAntunes, André; Stackebrandt, Erko; Lima, NelsonCarta ao editorAcesso aberto
2014Halorhabdus tiamatea : proteogenomics and glycosidase activity measurements identify the first cultivated euryarchaeon from a deep-sea anoxic brine lake as potential polysaccharide degraderWerner, Johannes; Ferrer, Manuel; Michel, Gurvan, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
Dez-2013INDIGO : INtegrated Data warehouse of mIcrobial GenOmes with examples from the red sea extremophilesAlam, Intikhab; Antunes, André Guimarães Lemos; Kamau, Allan Anthony, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
Set-2013Microbial resources and applications: preliminary trends and insights for future economic impact estimatesAntunes, André Guimarães Lemos; Simões, Marta Filipa Jesus Freitas; Santos, Cledir, et al.Resumo em ata de conferência Acesso aberto
2014Offer, demand, and needs in training and education: a study focusing on microbial culture collections within the MIRRI ConsortiumAntunes, André Guimarães Lemos; Piessens, Veerle; Lima, NelsonResumo em ata de conferência Acesso aberto
Mai-2015Systematics, functional morphology and distribution of a bivalve (Apachecorbula muriatica gen. et sp. nov.) from the rim of the ‘Valdivia Deep’ brine pool in the Red SeaOliver, P. Graham; Vestheim, Hege; Antunes, André Guimarães Lemos, et al.ArtigoAcesso aberto
2014The family haloplasmataceaeAntunes, André Guimarães LemosCapítulo de livroAcesso restrito UMinho
2014The Family SalinisphaeraceaeVetriani, Costantino; Crespo-Medina, Melitza; Antunes, André Guimarães LemosCapítulo de livroAcesso restrito UMinho
Mai-2015The need for innovative learning programmes in the Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure (MIRRI)Costa, Sofia; Antunes, André Guimarães Lemos; Lima, NelsonResumo em ata de conferência Acesso aberto
27-Mar-2015Towards a strategic concept for innovative learning programmes and tools in the Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure (MIRRI)Costa, Sofia; Antunes, André Guimarães Lemos; Lima, NelsonResumo em ata de conferência Acesso aberto
11-Jun-2014Training and education provided by microbial culture collections in europe (I) : panorama on tools, and contents produced and used within the MIRRI consortiumAntunes, André Guimarães Lemos; Kempf, F.; Lima, NelsonResumo em ata de conferência Acesso aberto