
Guia sobre Políticas de Copyright e Auto-Arquivo


Recursos Relacionados com Copyright e Auto-Arquivo



Eventos & Listas de distribuição








CWCW Institute, Compiler Press' Compleat World Copyright Website

Create Change. A resource for faculty and librarian action to reclaim scholarly communication
Association of Research Libraries, Association of College and Research Libraries, SPARC

Lund Principles – EU-activities in digital context

Report on IP in Developing Countries

JISC legal service organisation


Canadian Association of Research Libraries statement on copyright in the digital environment (look under Projects)

Holanda, Dutch portal on copyright

Estados Unidos

@Primer, interactive tutorial and overview of the underlying principles behind copyright in the United States
University of Maryland - Making sense of the complex and puzzling world of Copyright, Trademark, Publishing, Internet and Entertainment Law

Copyright and Intellectual Property Resources
Association of Research Libraries, Washington DC

CopyOwn – A Resource On Copyright Ownership For The Higher Education Community
University of Maryland/Association of Research Libraries

CopyFair – A Resource on Use of Copyrighted Works for the Higher Education Community
University of Maryland

Copyright, Intellectual Property Rights, and Licensing Issues
Berkeley Digital Library, SunSITE

Copyright & Fair Use
Stanford University Libraries

Copyright Resources on the Internet
In: Copyright Implementation Manual of Groton Public Schools, Mystic

Creative Commons: Licenses for Public Use

Copyright Project Rice University, Texas

EU funded IPR Helpdesk, News Bulletin

Intellectual Property
University of California Berkeley Resources

Intellectual Property & Copyright Resource Collection
American Distance Education Consortium

MIT OpenCourseWare Project

‘Who Owns Research and Teaching?'
Discussion at MIT september 2002

UC Copyright
A Resource for the University of California Community



Allocating the rights in intellectual property in Australian Universities: an overview of current practices, by Ann L. Monotti, in: Federal Law Review 1999, volume 27, 421-470

Copyright in Universities, by Leanne Wiseman. Occasional Paper Series, 99 E. QUT, Dpt. of Education, Training and Youth Affairs, 1999

Ownership of copyright in traditional literary works within universities, by Ann L. Monotti, in: Federal Law Review, 1994, volume 22, part 2, 340-374

Universities and Intellectual Property Ownership and Exploitation, by Ann L. Monotti and Professor Sam Ricketson
697 pp.; 0-19-826594-8


Licensing Digital Content. A Practical Guide for Librarians
Lesley Ellen Harris, 2002, 152 pag.

Are Model Licenses the Answer?
Online article in which the positive and negative aspects of standard agreements are being explored
Lesley Ellen Harris

Les auteurs sont-ils des employés? Certaines réflexions sur la propriété des droits d'auteur dans le contexte scolaire
by D. Lametti
from Les Cahiers de Propriété Intellectuelle 1999, volume 12, nr. 1, p. 11-29

Le droit d'auteur dans le contexte de la propriété intellectuelle: une
analyse des politiques universitaires canadiennes
by M.A. Wilkinson
from Les Cahiers de Propriété Intellectuelle 1999, volume 12, nr. 1, p. 51-94


Le renforcement des droits attachés aux créations d'employés: Plaidoyer pour
une vue unitaire
by J-P. Doat
from Revue du droit de la Propriété Intellectuelle 2001, nr 129, p. 7-22

Les universitaires et le droit moral d'auteur en droit français
by E. Derieux
from Les Cahiers de Propriété Intellectuelle 1999, volume 12, nr. 1, p. 31-50


Gewerbliche Schutzrechte und Urheberrechte an Forschungsergebnissen von Forschungseinrichtungen und ihren Wissenschaftlern; Bericht über ein Kolloquium des Max-Planck-Instituts für ausländisches und internationales Patent-, Urheber- und Wettbewerksrecht
by Ansgar Ohly,
GRUR Int. 1994, Heft 11, p. 879-888

Zu den Nutzungsrechten an Werken von Hochschulangehörigen
by Mangred Rehbinder
from Beiträge zum Schutz der Persoönlichkeit und ihrere schöpferischen Leistungen. Festschrift für Heinrich Hubmann zum 70. Geburtstag
1985 Alfred Metzner Verlag, Frankfurt am Main

Der Schutzumfang von Sprachwerken der Wissenschaft und die urheberrechtliche Stellung von Hochschulangehörigen
by Peter W. Heermann
from GRUR 1999, Heft 6, p. 468-476

Patent- und Urheberrecht: Arbeitnehmerfndungen und Hoschullehrerprivileg in Verträgen der Universitäten mit Industriepartnern aus der Europäischen Gemeinschaft - Geltung ausländisches Rechts
by W. Gaum
from GRUR 1991; volume 93, nr. 11, pg. 805-807

Arbeitnehmer/Urheberrechte an Computerprogrammen nach der Urheberrechtsnovelle
by R. Sack
from UFITA 1993, nr. 121, p. 15-44

Das Arbeitnehmer-Computerprogramm im französischen Recht
by J. Schmidt
from UFITA 1993, nr. 121, p. 55-69

Reform des Arbeitnehmerurheberrechts?
by A. Wandtke
from GRUR 1999, volume 101, nr. 5,
p. 390-396

Immaterialgüterrechtliche Nachwirkungen des Arbeitsverhältnisses
by M.W. Rickenbach
from UFITA 1993, nr 139, p. 233-251

31 Abs. 4 UrhG und der Arbeitnehmerurheber- Ein Spannungsfeld : Im Blickpunkt: Ist die Einräumung von Nutzungsrechten für unbekannte
Nutzungsarten in Arbeitsverhältnissen zulässig?
by A. Schmechel-Gaumé
from Kommu nikation & Recht 2001, volume 4, nr. 2, p. 74-82

Erfindungen an Hochschulen : Zur Neufassung des 42 ArbEG
by K. Bartenbach and F-E. Volz
f rom GRUR 2002, volume 104, nr 9,
p. 743-758

Hochschullehrerprivileg ade?
by A. Fleuchaus and S-E. Braitmayer
from GRUR 2002, volume 104, nr. 8,
p. 653-658


EC-commissioned Study on copyright contract law
Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam

Het belang van de werkgever
by A.A. Quadvlieg
from Informatierecht/AMI 1993; volume 17,
nr. 5, p. 83-86

Een doelmatige allocatie van de auteursrechten van universitaire auteurs
by. A.A. Quadvlieg
from Informatierecht/AMI 2000, volume 24, nr. 6, p. 106-110

Reino Unido

Draft International Copyright Code
Presentation by J.A.L. Sterling, May 2001, at the Eighteenth Herchel Smith Annual Public Lecture, held at Queen Mary, University of London

Copyright in HEIs: a Discussion Paper
by Charles Oppenheim, International Institute of Electronic Library Research, de Montfort University, for JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee)

The Zwolle Group: Taking copyright to the next stage
by Judith Harvey, Director of Editorial at Emerald insight is member of the Zwolle Group

Intellectuals' Property: Universities, Professors, and the Problem of Copyright in the Internet Age
by Matthew D. Bunker
from Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Vol. 74, no. 4, Winter 2001
p. 675-687

Intellectual Property, The Internet & Higher Education by Dr Dennis Farrington, Secretary-General of the SEE University, Tetovo, Republic of Macedonia, and previously Deputy Secretary of the University of Stirling, Scotland. Dr Farrington is an expert in the field of higher education law and organises UCELNET, the Universities and Colleges Education Law Network (UK). IPR law, in particular copyright, in academic institutions is one of his specialised areas of interest.
To open this document, one must have access to the website of The Observatory on Borderless Higher Education (

Estados Unidos

What Colleges and Universities Need to Know about the Digital Millennium Copyright Act
by Casey Lide. In: CAUSE/EFFECT journal, Volume 22, Number 1, 1999.

Copyright Law, Libraries, and Universities. Overview, Recent Developments, and Future Issues.
Presentation to Association of Research Libraries by Kenneth D. Crews, 1992

Report on Intellectual Property Rights in an Electronic Environment
The AAU Task Force, April 1994

The Digital Dilemma. Intellectual Property in the Information Age
Committee on Intellectual Property Rights and the Emerging Information Infrastructure, 200…

Who Owns Academic Work?
Battling for Control of Intellectual Property

by Corynne McSherry
November 2001; 288 pages
Cloth edition: ISBN 0-674-00629-1
Paper edition: ISBN 0-674-01243-7

Vaidhyanathan, Siva. Copyright as cudgel. Chronicle of Higher Education,
48(47), pp. B7-B9. August 2, 2002.

Copyright, New Media & E-commerce News Distributed for free by the office of Lesley Ellen Harris.

Freeprint Newsletter, incidently legal and copyright material.

Overlapping proprietary in university-generated research produts: the case of computer programs
by J.H. Reichman
from Colombia - 1992 VLA Journal of Law & the Arts, volume 17, nr. 1, p. 51-125

Intellectual property activities in U.S. research universities
by S.L. Bertha
from IDEA 1996, The J. of L. & Technology, volume 36, nr. 4, p. 513-542

To promote the progress of science and useful arts: The protection of and
rights in scientific research
by M.L. Meyer
from IDEA 1998, The Journal of Law and Technology, volume 39, nr. 1, p. 1-34

Copyright issues in online courses: ownership, authorship and conflict
by R. Rosenthal Kwall
from Santa Clara Computer and High Technology Law Journal 2001, volume 18,
nr. 1, p. 1-34


Copyright Contradictions in Scholarly Publishing
John Willinsky

Legal protection of scientific output
by R. Mackiewicz, 1991
from UFITA, nr. 117, p.71-81

Eventos & Listas de distribuição

Estados Unidos

A USA-based list. Subscription by e-mail at

Reino Unido

A closed list, contact Elizabeth Gadd at Lougborough;

An open list


Estados Unidos

American Association of University Professors



International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

IFLA, Copyright and other Legal Matters (CLM) Committee


Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche

European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations

Dutch Association of University Libraries, the Royal Library and the Library of the Royal Dutch Academy of Science

FOBID Juridische Commissie
Federation of Library, Information and Documentation Associations

Reino Unido

Society of College, National and University Libraries


Consortium of University Research Libraries

Estados Unidos

Association of Research Libraries

American Library Association

Coalition for Networked Information, American Library Association



The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers

International Association of Scholarly Publishers

International Publishers Association (IPA)

STM, International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers

Reino Unido

Publishers Association (College, Academic and Professional Publishers divison)

Estados Unidos

AAP, Association of American Publishers, Inc (Professional and Scholarly Publishers division)

AAUP, American Association of University Presses

ACLS, American Council of Learned Societies

SSP, Society of Scolarly Publishers



International Association of University Presidents


AV-CC, Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee, the council of Australia's university presidents


SURF Foundation (Stichting SURF)

VSNU - Association of Universities in the Netherlands

Reino Unido

Universities UK

Estados Unidos

AAU, Association of the American Universities

Council of Independent Colleges



WIPO, World Intellectual Property Organization


Canadian Copyright Branch


SPARC Europe

JISC legal service organisation

Estados Unidos

ACA, American Communication Association

SPARC, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition

Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. Copyright Management Center
