Downloads e Consultas - Períodos Fixos

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(ex. 1822/417)


Título : A single-chip CMOS optical microspectrometer with light-to-frequency converter and bus interface
Data entrada : 23-01-2006
Downloads e ConsultasExport
Ano Downloads Consultas
2006 4,0 9
2007 0,0 9
2008 3,0 66
2009 2,0 2
2010 2,0 1
2011 2,0 3
2012 5,0 7
2013 2,0 5
2014 17,0 8
2015 4,0 4
2016 6,0 0
2017 2,0 1
2018 3,0 7
2019 27,0 5
2020 11,0 5
2021 16,0 9
2022 12,0 4
2023 6,0 5
2024 9,0 3
133,0 153
Downloads e Consultas por ano
Downloads por país (top 10)
Consultas por país (top 10)
Downloads por paísExport
Origem Downloads Perc.(%)
United States United States 52,0 43,70
China China 24,0 20,17
France France 6,0 5,04
Portugal Portugal 5,0 4,20
Universidade do Minho Universidade do Minho 3,0 2,52
Brazil Brazil 3,0 2,52
Japan Japan 3,0 2,52
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2,0 1,68
Taiwan Taiwan 2,0 1,68
N/A N/A 2,0 1,68
Netherlands Netherlands 2,0 1,68
Australia Australia 2,0 1,68
Singapore Singapore 1,0 0,84
Bulgaria Bulgaria 1,0 0,84
Pakistan Pakistan 1,0 0,84
Spain Spain 1,0 0,84
Belarus Belarus 1,0 0,84
Greece Greece 1,0 0,84
Ukraine Ukraine 1,0 0,84
Romania Romania 1,0 0,84
Finland Finland 1,0 0,84
Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of 1,0 0,84
Germany Germany 1,0 0,84
Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of 1,0 0,84
India India 1,0 0,84
119,0 100,00
Consultas por paísExport
Origem Consultas Perc.(%)
Portugal Portugal 35 25,74
Brazil Brazil 29 21,32
China China 14 10,29
United States United States 14 10,29
Universidade do Minho Universidade do Minho 12 8,82
France France 10 7,35
Netherlands Netherlands 7 5,15
Germany Germany 2 1,47
Singapore Singapore 1 0,74
Mexico Mexico 1 0,74
Hong Kong Hong Kong 1 0,74
Egypt Egypt 1 0,74
Canada Canada 1 0,74
Belgium Belgium 1 0,74
Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of 1 0,74
Peru Peru 1 0,74
Indonesia Indonesia 1 0,74
South Africa South Africa 1 0,74
El Salvador El Salvador 1 0,74
Honduras Honduras 1 0,74
Taiwan Taiwan 1 0,74
136 100,00