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Título : The contribution of phenolic acids to the anti-inflammatory activity of mushrooms: Screening in phenolic extracts, individual parent molecules and synthesized glucuronated and methylated derivatives
Data entrada : 01-02-2016
Downloads e ConsultasExport
Ano Downloads Consultas
2016 56,0 8
2017 84,0 7
2018 111,0 7
2019 54,0 15
2020 41,0 13
2021 67,0 11
2022 30,0 3
2023 6,0 7
2024 13,0 5
462,0 76
Downloads e Consultas por ano
Downloads por país (top 10)
Consultas por país (top 10)
Downloads por paísExport
Origem Downloads Perc.(%)
United States United States 82,0 17,75
Portugal Portugal 49,0 10,61
China China 36,0 7,79
Brazil Brazil 22,0 4,76
India India 21,0 4,55
Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of 17,0 3,68
Thailand Thailand 17,0 3,68
Turkey Turkey 16,0 3,46
Malaysia Malaysia 12,0 2,60
N/A N/A 12,0 2,60
Pakistan Pakistan 11,0 2,38
Algeria Algeria 10,0 2,16
Russian Federation Russian Federation 10,0 2,16
Spain Spain 10,0 2,16
Indonesia Indonesia 10,0 2,16
Poland Poland 9,0 1,95
Taiwan Taiwan 8,0 1,73
Italy Italy 8,0 1,73
France France 7,0 1,52
Canada Canada 7,0 1,52
Egypt Egypt 6,0 1,30
Philippines Philippines 6,0 1,30
Mexico Mexico 5,0 1,08
Slovakia Slovakia 4,0 0,87
Serbia Serbia 4,0 0,87
Romania Romania 4,0 0,87
Iraq Iraq 4,0 0,87
Cameroon Cameroon 4,0 0,87
Netherlands Netherlands 3,0 0,65
Switzerland Switzerland 3,0 0,65
Germany Germany 3,0 0,65
Hungary Hungary 3,0 0,65
Australia Australia 3,0 0,65
Czech Republic Czech Republic 3,0 0,65
Ireland Ireland 3,0 0,65
Japan Japan 2,0 0,43
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2,0 0,43
Denmark Denmark 2,0 0,43
Nigeria Nigeria 2,0 0,43
South Africa South Africa 2,0 0,43
Kenya Kenya 2,0 0,43
Croatia Croatia 2,0 0,43
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia 1,0 0,22
Mozambique Mozambique 1,0 0,22
Slovenia Slovenia 1,0 0,22
Israel Israel 1,0 0,22
Lithuania Lithuania 1,0 0,22
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of 1,0 0,22
Sri Lanka Sri Lanka 1,0 0,22
Dominican Republic Dominican Republic 1,0 0,22
Kazakstan Kazakstan 1,0 0,22
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe 1,0 0,22
Nepal Nepal 1,0 0,22
Colombia Colombia 1,0 0,22
Universidade do Minho Universidade do Minho 1,0 0,22
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, The Democratic Republic of the 1,0 0,22
Lesotho Lesotho 1,0 0,22
Belgium Belgium 1,0 0,22
462,0 100,00
Consultas por paísExport
Origem Consultas Perc.(%)
Portugal Portugal 21 36,21
United States United States 9 15,52
Brazil Brazil 7 12,07
Universidade do Minho Universidade do Minho 6 10,34
China China 5 8,62
Indonesia Indonesia 2 3,45
Bulgaria Bulgaria 1 1,72
Croatia Croatia 1 1,72
Serbia Serbia 1 1,72
Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of 1 1,72
Italy Italy 1 1,72
Turkey Turkey 1 1,72
France France 1 1,72
Thailand Thailand 1 1,72
58 100,00