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Título : Consecutive alcoholic fermentations of white grape musts with yeasts immobilized on grape skins : effect of biocatalyst storage and SO2 concentration on wine characteristics
Data entrada : 15-12-2014
Downloads e ConsultasExport
Ano Downloads Consultas
2014 1,0 10
2015 15,0 9
2016 23,0 6
2017 13,0 7
2018 7,0 5
2019 18,0 7
2020 21,0 12
2021 17,0 4
2022 8,0 3
2023 11,0 6
2024 4,0 2
138,0 71
Downloads e Consultas por ano
Downloads por país (top 10)
Consultas por país (top 10)
Downloads por paísExport
Origem Downloads Perc.(%)
United States United States 48,0 39,67
Portugal Portugal 13,0 10,74
France France 12,0 9,92
China China 9,0 7,44
Russian Federation Russian Federation 6,0 4,96
Serbia Serbia 2,0 1,65
Taiwan Taiwan 2,0 1,65
Singapore Singapore 2,0 1,65
Vietnam Vietnam 2,0 1,65
Spain Spain 2,0 1,65
Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Republic of 2,0 1,65
Universidade do Minho Universidade do Minho 2,0 1,65
N/A N/A 1,0 0,83
Mexico Mexico 1,0 0,83
Pakistan Pakistan 1,0 0,83
Cambodia Cambodia 1,0 0,83
Poland Poland 1,0 0,83
Egypt Egypt 1,0 0,83
Belgium Belgium 1,0 0,83
Netherlands Netherlands 1,0 0,83
Greece Greece 1,0 0,83
Romania Romania 1,0 0,83
Peru Peru 1,0 0,83
Indonesia Indonesia 1,0 0,83
Brazil Brazil 1,0 0,83
Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of 1,0 0,83
Turkey Turkey 1,0 0,83
Ireland Ireland 1,0 0,83
Denmark Denmark 1,0 0,83
Hungary Hungary 1,0 0,83
New Zealand New Zealand 1,0 0,83
121,0 100,00
Consultas por paísExport
Origem Consultas Perc.(%)
Portugal Portugal 11 22,00
Universidade do Minho Universidade do Minho 11 22,00
China China 8 16,00
United States United States 7 14,00
Netherlands Netherlands 2 4,00
Macedonia Macedonia 2 4,00
Spain Spain 1 2,00
Poland Poland 1 2,00
Peru Peru 1 2,00
New Zealand New Zealand 1 2,00
Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Republic of 1 2,00
Brazil Brazil 1 2,00
Italy Italy 1 2,00
United Kingdom United Kingdom 1 2,00
Norway Norway 1 2,00
50 100,00