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Título : Teacher education curriculum for teaching immigrant students in Portuguese schools
Data entrada : 06-11-2014
Downloads e ConsultasExport
Ano Downloads Consultas
2014 18,0 21
2015 26,0 8
2016 23,0 12
2017 5,0 14
2018 5,0 5
2019 14,0 10
2020 9,0 6
2021 10,0 12
2022 10,0 6
2023 12,0 20
2024 6,0 5
138,0 119
Downloads e Consultas por ano
Downloads por país (top 10)
Consultas por país (top 10)
Downloads por paísExport
Origem Downloads Perc.(%)
United States United States 45,0 36,59
Portugal Portugal 21,0 17,07
Universidade do Minho Universidade do Minho 5,0 4,07
Canada Canada 5,0 4,07
South Africa South Africa 5,0 4,07
Germany Germany 4,0 3,25
United Kingdom United Kingdom 4,0 3,25
Brazil Brazil 4,0 3,25
Ukraine Ukraine 3,0 2,44
Spain Spain 3,0 2,44
N/A N/A 2,0 1,63
Ireland Ireland 2,0 1,63
China China 2,0 1,63
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan 1,0 0,81
Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of 1,0 0,81
Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Republic of 1,0 0,81
Uganda Uganda 1,0 0,81
Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands, British 1,0 0,81
Martinique Martinique 1,0 0,81
India India 1,0 0,81
Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of 1,0 0,81
Turkey Turkey 1,0 0,81
France France 1,0 0,81
Taiwan Taiwan 1,0 0,81
Colombia Colombia 1,0 0,81
Angola Angola 1,0 0,81
Sweden Sweden 1,0 0,81
Poland Poland 1,0 0,81
Egypt Egypt 1,0 0,81
Estonia Estonia 1,0 0,81
Croatia Croatia 1,0 0,81
123,0 100,00
Consultas por paísExport
Origem Consultas Perc.(%)
Portugal Portugal 26 25,49
United States United States 24 23,53
Universidade do Minho Universidade do Minho 12 11,76
Brazil Brazil 6 5,88
France France 6 5,88
Canada Canada 5 4,90
United Kingdom United Kingdom 3 2,94
N/A N/A 2 1,96
Turkey Turkey 2 1,96
Japan Japan 2 1,96
Spain Spain 2 1,96
Netherlands Netherlands 2 1,96
South Africa South Africa 2 1,96
Germany Germany 2 1,96
Croatia Croatia 1 0,98
Colombia Colombia 1 0,98
Russian Federation Russian Federation 1 0,98
Bangladesh Bangladesh 1 0,98
Poland Poland 1 0,98
Italy Italy 1 0,98
102 100,00