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Título : Estimating the employer size-wage premium in a panel data model with comparative advantage and non-random selection
Data entrada : 29-04-2005
Downloads e ConsultasExport
Ano Downloads Consultas
2006 0,0 5
2007 4,0 18
2008 4,0 17
2009 5,0 12
2010 7,0 12
2011 9,0 7
2012 8,0 9
2013 10,0 9
2014 7,0 7
2015 6,0 7
2016 3,0 4
2017 1,0 1
2018 0,0 2
2019 6,0 4
2020 3,0 5
2021 6,0 6
2022 3,0 7
2023 5,0 6
2024 6,0 2
93,0 140
Downloads e Consultas por ano
Downloads por país (top 10)
Consultas por país (top 10)
Downloads por paísExport
Origem Downloads Perc.(%)
United States United States 16,0 21,62
Portugal Portugal 9,0 12,16
France France 7,0 9,46
United Kingdom United Kingdom 6,0 8,11
China China 5,0 6,76
Universidade do Minho Universidade do Minho 3,0 4,05
Germany Germany 3,0 4,05
Canada Canada 3,0 4,05
Italy Italy 2,0 2,70
Spain Spain 2,0 2,70
Greece Greece 2,0 2,70
Australia Australia 2,0 2,70
Kenya Kenya 2,0 2,70
Turkey Turkey 1,0 1,35
Brazil Brazil 1,0 1,35
Netherlands Netherlands 1,0 1,35
Costa Rica Costa Rica 1,0 1,35
Peru Peru 1,0 1,35
Argentina Argentina 1,0 1,35
Indonesia Indonesia 1,0 1,35
Benin Benin 1,0 1,35
Czech Republic Czech Republic 1,0 1,35
India India 1,0 1,35
Japan Japan 1,0 1,35
Hong Kong Hong Kong 1,0 1,35
74,0 100,00
Consultas por paísExport
Origem Consultas Perc.(%)
United States United States 23 19,49
Portugal Portugal 13 11,02
Universidade do Minho Universidade do Minho 12 10,17
United Kingdom United Kingdom 12 10,17
China China 12 10,17
Australia Australia 6 5,08
France France 5 4,24
Netherlands Netherlands 4 3,39
Canada Canada 3 2,54
Hong Kong Hong Kong 3 2,54
Germany Germany 3 2,54
Italy Italy 3 2,54
Iran, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of 2 1,69
Poland Poland 2 1,69
Turkey Turkey 2 1,69
Brazil Brazil 2 1,69
Isle of Man Isle of Man 1 0,85
India India 1 0,85
Taiwan Taiwan 1 0,85
Singapore Singapore 1 0,85
Sweden Sweden 1 0,85
Japan Japan 1 0,85
Pakistan Pakistan 1 0,85
Spain Spain 1 0,85
Belgium Belgium 1 0,85
Argentina Argentina 1 0,85
Switzerland Switzerland 1 0,85
118 100,00