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Título'Tuning’ education for the market in ‘Europe’? Qualifications, competences and learning outcomes : reform and action on the shop floor
Autor(es)Antunes, Fátima
EditoraSAGE Publications Ltd
RevistaEuropean Educational Research Journal
Resumo(s)This article examines issues relating to governance and the reform of public policies in the European Union and suggests that a managerial agenda for change is developing, seeking to amplify the space for marketisation and control in the educational sphere. It is argued that, between the 1990s and 2010, world-ambitious educational models have been fostered in ‘Europe’, proposing curricular organisation and regulation principles, such as competences and learning outcomes, as well as regulatory frameworks based on political-technical instruments (qualification frameworks, credit transfer and accumulation systems, quality assurance systems); that is, an unstable and controversial educational language and universe has developed, populated by entities such as active pedagogy, indicators, targets or benchmarks. In order to substantiate the argument, the author briefly analyses, first, the emergence of the curricular dimension in the agenda for educational change; second, she tries to interpret how and why the category ‘learning outcomes (and competence[s])’ has acquired importance in the confluence of the Bologna and Copenhagen Processes and the Education & Training 2010 Programme in this ‘silent revolution in the field of education’. After considering some of these developments in ‘Europe’ and Portugal, she proposes a few tentative reflections regarding this educational paradigm change and the action of teachers and students.
Versão da editorahttp://dx.doi.org/10.2304/eerj.2012.11.3.446
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Aparece nas coleções:CIEd - Artigos em revistas científicas internacionais com arbitragem

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